上映:2015更新时间:2023-12-15 21:09:58
剧情: 拥有一头金发的美女米兰达·威尔斯(裴淳华 Rosamund Pike 饰)是某医院的护士,她和同事们关系融洽,和善可亲。在预定好的相亲日子里,米兰达遭到送快递的小哥威廉·芬恩(希罗·弗南德兹 Shiloh Fernandez 饰)的强暴,从而身心遭到巨大创伤,生活偏离了常轨不说,还落下了手抖的毛病。在人生的最低潮,米兰达选择给正在狱中服刑的威廉写信,希望能见他一面。最初的几封信中,威廉都拒绝了对方匪夷所思的要求,不过他最终选择屈服。隔着一层玻璃,施暴者与受害者敞开心扉交谈。米兰达展现出圣母般温暖的笑容,威廉冰冷自卑的心仿佛被对方融化,对对方的欲望更加深了许多……
上映:2015更新时间:2023-12-15 21:07:52
剧情: 一晃眼数年过去,珍妮弗(莎拉·巴特勒 Sarah Butler 饰)却依然深陷之前的阴影之中无法自拔,惨不忍睹和回忆和梦魇纠缠着她,她唯有寻求心理医生的帮助。珍妮弗参加了一个女性互助小组,在那里,她结识了一名特立独行的新朋友马拉(Jennifer Landon 饰)。 马拉的一言一行影响和改变着珍妮弗,在互助小组中所听到的那一个个悲惨的故事亦深深震撼着珍妮弗。在
上映:2015更新时间:2023-12-15 21:09:00
剧情:After their teenage son is killed in a car crash, Paul (Andrew Sensenig) and Anne (Barbara Crampton) move to the quiet New England countryside to try to start a new life for themselves. But the grieving couple unknowingly becomes the prey of a family of vengeful spirits that reside in their new home, and before long they discover that the seemingly peaceful town they've moved into is hiding a terrifyingly dark secret. Now they must find a way to overcome their sorrow and fight back against both the living and dead as the malicious ghosts threaten to pull their souls - and the soul of their lost son - into hell with them. Written by Dark Sky Films