上映:2017更新时间:2023-12-15 22:05:25
剧情: In the vibrant African neighborhood of Château d'Eau in Paris, Charles is the smoothest of all the hustlers. His job: to fill the districts numerous hair salons with customers. But when the competition is tough and everybody’s trying hard to be number one, dirty tricks are just around the corner. Fast talk, tall tales, tailored suits and secrets of the heart... Welcome to Chate...
上映:2017更新时间:2023-12-15 22:05:16
剧情:In the early 1920s, Georges Laffont (Romain Duris), traumatised by the horrific trench warfar, decides to leave his life behind and travel to West Africa into the vast territories of Upper Volta in the company of Diofo, artist and also survivor of the Great War. From village to village, Georges uses Diofo's talents as a griot to recruit the villagers as labour for plantations in Ghana. But his adventure leads him to a dead-end, and he comes back to Paris where is brother Marcel (Grégory Gadebois), a war invalid, lives with their mother's. After the war in Europe, life went out without him. Georges will desperately try to find his place, with the help of Hélène (Céline Salette), a sign language teacher with whom he will have a tumultuous relationship, and his family, that he selfishly left behind. He will finally attempt to heal their wounds, and his.
上映:2017更新时间:2023-12-15 22:02:37
剧情:莉拉(莎拉·弗里斯蒂 Sara Forestier 饰)是一个有着轻微口吃的女孩,这种生理缺陷给她的心灵带来了巨大的伤害,班上总是有不懂事的孩子喜欢模仿莉拉说话并且嘲笑她,因此渐渐地,莉拉缄口不言,越来越沉默。然而,莉拉拥有一颗聪慧的头脑,勤恳踏实的她总是能够在班上名列前茅。 一次偶然中,莉拉结识了名为阿莫(何杜安·阿迦南 Redouanne Harjane 饰)的男孩,阿莫是一名赛车手,靠着非法比赛来赚钱。和莉拉的寡言不同,阿莫非常喜欢说话,总是叽叽喳喳讲个不停,两个性格大相径庭的年轻人之间,碰撞出了爱情的火花。老师在莉拉的身上发现了杰出的写诗天赋,在老师的鼓励下,莉拉开始将自己不成句的短语创作成为诗句,发表在网络上,哪知道一炮而红,追随者众多。可她和阿莫之间的感情,却因此而越来越淡漠。
上映:2017更新时间:2023-12-15 22:02:25
剧情: Algiers, a few years after the civil war. Amal and Samir have decided to celebrate their twentieth wedding anniversary in a restaurant. While on their way, their share their views on Algeria: Amal talks about lost illusions and Samir about the necessity to cope with them. At the same time, their son Fahim and his friends Feriel and Reda are wandering about in a hostile Algiers ...
上映:2017更新时间:2023-12-15 22:01:13
剧情: 埃森企業是擁有九萬名員工的法國大型企業。某天一名財務分析師達瑪從企業總部頂樓一躍而下,結束了自己的生命。 當勞動部介入調查,人力資源部的經理艾蜜莉表示達瑪的死純粹是因為「私人因素」,只有艾蜜麗的秘書知道達瑪因為申請調職被拒一事,多次找過愛蜜莉,卻屢遭相應不理。勞檢員瑪麗的管區內有2500家公司,她的職責是維護三萬名員工的職業安全,她深信達瑪選擇在工作場所自殺就是一個警訊,鍥而不捨的她發現埃森內部一項名為「雄心計劃」的企業管理法,目的是藉由調職,就能不經由「資遣」,強逼九千名員工自動離職。如果能證明人事經理企圖逼走達瑪,艾蜜莉將面臨「職場霸凌」甚至是「過失殺人」的罪名,當埃森高層決定將一切罪名都推給艾蜜莉,小蝦米如何能對抗大鯨魚?艾蜜莉又該如何反擊呢?