上映:2013更新时间:2023-12-15 22:33:44
剧情:Egypt captivates us like few other ancient civilizations - but what was it like to actually live there as an ordinary person 3,500 years ago? Egyptologist Dr Joann Fletcher goes on a fascinating journey in search of people like us, not the great Pharaohs but the ordinary people who built and populated this incredible ancient civilization, creating a remarkable way of life and a... Egypt captivates us like few other ancient civilizations - but what was it like to actually live there as an ordinary person 3,500 years ago? Egyptologist Dr Joann Fletcher goes on a fascinating journey in search of people like us, not the great Pharaohs but the ordinary people who built and populated this incredible ancient civilization, creating a remarkable way of life and an extraordinary way of death.
上映:2021更新时间:2023-12-15 22:33:44
剧情:广西地处祖国南疆,背靠大西南,南临北部湾,面向东南亚,自古以来就是官宦商旅云集之地,独特的地理位置,各种文化在此交融贯通的同时,孕育了独特地方美食,既融合了粤、川、湘、浙、赣、闽等地方菜肴特色,又海纳包容了东南亚异域风味,善长众菜合调,粗菜细做,向世人展现了味道鲜香、微辣酸甜的广西美食特点。 美食系列纪录片《广西的味道——桂系美食字典》总共12集,每集15分钟。南宁电视台联合了区内近十家城市电视台,历时两年,制作团队走遍了八桂大地,记录了南宁柠檬鸭、北海沙虫刺身、柳州螺蛳粉、梧州纸包鸡、河池九里香鸡……用独特的视角展现人们既熟悉又陌生的广西特色美食,探寻美食背后动人的广西故事。
上映:2022更新时间:2023-12-15 22:33:36
剧情:"本集盖·马丁接受了新的挑战任务--再现诺曼底登陆场景!代号为“霸王行动”的诺曼底登陆,堪称历史上最复杂的军事行动。摩托车赛车手和工程爱好者盖·马丁(Guy Martin)通过重现该战中最核心且大胆的任务之一---空降,向战争中的这一关键转折点致敬--就在诺曼底海滩登陆的几个小时前,成千上万的盟军士兵秘密空降在敌人后方扫清了登陆障碍。马丁化身为这些部队中的一员,首先带领一队专家小组修复原来的道格拉斯C-47运输机,然后飞到诺曼底,在完成任务之前跳下飞机。"
上映:2008更新时间:2023-12-10 09:30:43
剧情:《歌舞昇平》裡有幾個如果是肥皂劇劇情肯定會被安排連成一線的家庭,他們口中的悲慘命運是如此曖昧地有異曲同工之妙,令人在觀看時會想那是誰的誰,那人跟那人又有什麼關係。 其實唯一的關聯是五個家庭同樣領取「綜援」,但每個故事卻往不同方向發展。他們貧窮的理由或許不一樣,處境也不一樣,結果,卻都發展成十分相似的生活狀態,殊途同歸的境地,幾乎都是對貧窮的習慣和適應,影片裡穿插著過年的片段,又和典型中國人過年有難以區分的相同與不同。 The film explores the hidden face of poverty in one of the world's most affluent and capitalistic cities. Directed by CHEUNG King Wai (KJ: Music and Life), the film follows five Hong Kong families of different backgrounds that receive government subsidies. How do the poor get by in a glossy city that flaunts conspicuous consumption and hides poverty in cavernous public housing estates? All's Right With The World shares the different stories of these low-income families, their daily living conditions, and their ways of celebrating Chinese New Year. 获奖情况: 2008年 入圍第32屆香港國際電影節競賽單元 2008年 入圍韓國首爾獨立電影電視節 2008年 入圍第20屆飛帕電影節
上映:2008更新时间:2023-12-10 09:30:43
剧情:《歌舞昇平》裡有幾個如果是肥皂劇劇情肯定會被安排連成一線的家庭,他們口中的悲慘命運是如此曖昧地有異曲同工之妙,令人在觀看時會想那是誰的誰,那人跟那人又有什麼關係。 其實唯一的關聯是五個家庭同樣領取「綜援」,但每個故事卻往不同方向發展。他們貧窮的理由或許不一樣,處境也不一樣,結果,卻都發展成十分相似的生活狀態,殊途同歸的境地,幾乎都是對貧窮的習慣和適應,影片裡穿插著過年的片段,又和典型中國人過年有難以區分的相同與不同。 The film explores the hidden face of poverty in one of the world's most affluent and capitalistic cities. Directed by CHEUNG King Wai (KJ: Music and Life), the film follows five Hong Kong families of different backgrounds that receive government subsidies. How do the poor get by in a glossy city that flaunts conspicuous consumption and hides poverty in cavernous public housing estates? All's Right With The World shares the different stories of these low-income families, their daily living conditions, and their ways of celebrating Chinese New Year. 获奖情况: 2008年 入圍第32屆香港國際電影節競賽單元 2008年 入圍韓國首爾獨立電影電視節 2008年 入圍第20屆飛帕電影節