上映:2020更新时间:2023-12-15 21:53:11
剧情:基于Bob Zellner的自传《The Wrong Side of Murder Creek: A White Southerner in the Freedom Movement》,Zellner出生于阿拉巴马州,是某个三K党成员的孙子,1961年,他被卷入民权运动的中心。 提尔饰演Zellner,海尔饰演Zellner的大学女友Carol Ann,丹内利饰演Zellner的爷爷,福曼饰演Zellner的爸爸。
上映:1993更新时间:2023-12-15 21:51:34
剧情:卡洛琳(艾伦·巴金 Ellen Barkin 饰)是一位不幸的单身母亲,她带着儿子托比(莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥 Leonardo DiCaprio 饰)离开了有暴力倾向的男友,辗转于不同的城市,只为能够赚钱养家糊口。在西雅图,卡洛琳认识了卡车司机德怀特(罗伯特·德尼罗 Robert De Niro 饰),在德怀特的身上,她找到了久违的爱情的感觉。
上映:1993更新时间:2023-12-15 21:54:05
剧情:Chung Woo and Min Woo are married in the celebration of many guests in the church. However, Ahn is not a virgin on the first night, and she breaks up with her betrayal. After that, the chamber starts to wander, sharing love with a man who does not even know his name. Kim, a partner of the company, can not figure out the mind of such a person but keeps wooing. On the other hand, Dongchul, who has a relationship with Chosun, keeps a close watch on her every move, and the Chosun falls into him. I want my husband to reunite with this kind of room, but I can not break the wall that I have built up. Dongchul appears in front of the room to forget the memory of Dongchul.
上映:2017更新时间:2023-12-15 21:31:19
剧情:Nina is twelve years old and her world has just been shattered to smithereens: Her parents’ marriage has broken down and they are getting a divorce. After his internationally successful debut Miracle Juraj Lehotský now brings us an intimate drama in which the viewer looks upon the world and the selfish, visionless behaviour of adults through the eyes of a 12-year-old girl. A gi...
上映:1987更新时间:2023-12-15 21:42:40
剧情:少女林晓阳(杨林 饰)爱看漫画,常幻想自己是细川智荣子少女漫画《尼罗河女儿》主角。她生活在繁华的台北,白天在肯德基当店员,晚上在夜校读书。晓阳与家人住在一座简陋的平房里,祖父(李天禄 饰)是个风趣的老头。父亲(崔福生 饰)在嘉义当员警,常年在外执勤。母亲去世后,晓阳肩负起母亲的职责,照顾上了年纪的父亲及上学的妹妹,并整天为哥哥担心。 哥哥(高捷 饰)与朋友合开一家餐厅,白天工作,晚上当小偷,却能照顾到家人。父亲和哥哥爆发冲突时,晓阳总是站在哥哥一边。她暗恋上哥哥的朋友阿三,却不知阿三爱着别人。种种事实让她感到气愤、悲伤和绝望,并在遭受打击后成熟清醒。
上映:2008更新时间:2023-12-15 22:00:14
剧情: 这是一个流传久远的神话故事。王母(王少梅 饰)容不得牵牛星(黄宗毅 饰)与织女星(严凤英 饰)的两情相悦。金牛星(王少舫 饰)见机出来做月老,王母大怒,将牵牛星与金牛星一同打入凡尘。织女星则被关入云房,失去人身自由,每日望月空叹,好不凄凉。落入凡间的牵、金二星化身为牛郎和老牛,整日里风餐露宿,遍尝劳作艰辛。一日,织女有幸随王母出巡凡界,经金牛牵线,与牛郎栖身人间,过起男耕女织的快乐光景,不久,还诞下一双儿女。出巡归来不见了织女,王母心生恼恨,厉令天兵天将下凡捉拿。落入凡尘的牛郎织女怎对抗得了天上的神仙......