上映:2014更新时间:2023-12-15 21:40:04
剧情:Set in both the late 80's and current day, "Back in the Day" is a gritty tale about Anthony Rodriguez (William DeMeo), a half Italian - half Puerto Rican young teenager growing up on the streets of Bensonhurst, Brooklyn; a then very dangerous and racist neighborhood filled with bullies, big shots and social clubs where all of the neighborhood shots were called. Anthony had to endure an abusive, unemployed, alcoholic father but was blessed with a nurturing, hard-working mother who he loses at a very early age and is devastated by it. In spite of his bitterness, he struggles to uphold the morals his Mother taught him and retain his dignity in spite of being up against all odds. He is taken under the wing of a local mob boss, Enzo DeVino (Michael Madsen), who supports Anthony's wishes to escape his demons through the sport of boxing. Enzo connects Anthony with a trainer (Danny Glover), who means business, and turns Anthony into a contender although his troubled life and friends, who seem to always get him into trouble, hinder his career. As he journeys into adulthood with the nearly impossible goal of achieving a successful professional boxing career, Anthony manages to not only go pro, but literally fight his way to the top and become a world champion middleweight boxer at an unlikely age. But not without love, loss of love, humiliation, retaliation and revenge playing roles in his journey to the top. But when he finally does make it to the top, who will be left of anyone Anthony has ever cared about, to share it with? And who will be left to get in the way of Anthony's success, and living his dream?
上映:2014更新时间:2023-12-15 21:36:15
剧情:田文军(黄渤 饰)和鲁晓娟(郝蕾 饰)曾是一对恩爱的夫妻,然而,两人之间的感情却被时间和争吵消耗殆尽,最终,他们选择了离婚。如今,联系着两人的唯一枢纽,就是可爱的儿子田鹏。然而,某一天,这唯一的纽带也断裂了,田鹏于一次外出玩耍时无故失踪,绝望和崩溃之中,田文军与鲁晓娟踏 上了漫漫寻子之路,并在途中结识了许多和他们一样无助的父亲和母亲们。时光匆匆流逝,一条关于田鹏的线索浮出水面,促使田文军和妻子来到了一处偏僻的村落之中,在那里,他们看到了酷似田鹏的男孩,然而,男孩口中的“妈妈”却并非鲁晓娟,而是一位名叫李红琴(赵薇 饰)的村妇,这错位的一切究竟是怎么回事?©豆瓣
上映:2014更新时间:2023-12-15 22:05:37